Composition of Korean Transgender Rights Organisation JOGAKBO is made up of

Korean Transgender Rights Organisation JOGAKBO is composed of Executive Committee members, Guest Activists, Volunteer Activists, and Supporting Members. 

There is a Secretariat to facilitate the work of the Executive Committee.

As a member of the Steering Committee, Executive Committee members have the right/obligation to attend regular meetings of JOGAKBO. 

They have joint responsibilities and obligations for the guiding principles and direction of activities, planning and execution of projects, organisational structure, and authority to make and execute decisions. 

Executive Committee members are responsible and vice responsible for detailed projects and plan, execute, and evaluate projects.

Visiting Activists are activists who have been working on transgender issues in various fields and join Ssangbo with their activities. 

Guest Activists participate in the planning and execution of the project, but do not have the same duties and powers as the steering committee.

Volunteer Activists are activists who join the activities of the sculpture walk by combining their activities for each project. 

Volunteer activists may not be able to participate in the Steering Committee due to their studies, work, etc. 

but they can participate and work with the projects that they are interested in.

Supporting Members are valued supporters who financially support JOGAKBO's activities through regular donations. 

Benefits include regular financial and activity reports and priority VIP invitations to JOGAKBO's events.

The Secretariat serves as an Executive Committee member and is responsible for the overall business of the organisation, coordination between projects, urgent internal and external responses, budgeting and financial affairs, and conducting meetings.

JOGAKBO is comprised of the following Activists as Executive Committee members:

(*In order from A-Z of names)

* Heejung Roh (Representative/Counseling) (she/her)

She provides psychological counseling for sexual minorities and is one of the facilitators of TGG. I operate under the mindset that gender diversity is not something to be interpreted, but something that naturally exists and is not something I should understand and accept.

Hmm...what should I write?! "

* Junu (Financial Management/Academic Research) (he/his)

I have been working on transgender human rights since 2006 and am currently working as a permanent deacon at the ‘Korean Transgender Rights Organization JOGAKBO.’ While majoring in women's studies, she studied the process of transgender identity formation.

Recently, she has been thinking about the meaning of gender identity from various angles, using bisexuality and polyamory as keywords.

* Lina Jin (Coalition/Outreach) (he/they)

She is in charge of external cooperation/public relations at JOGAKBO. When someone asks about my identity, I reply, “Trans Masculine, a medical transitioner.” Even though they are unable to make a living, they still consider transgender human rights activities their main base.

I make a living as a field activist to support victims of gender violence, and as a side character, I am a kane hula dancer who shares the spirit of Aloha. She considers the intersection of anti-sexual violence activism and transgender rights activism.

* Yi-eum (Promotion/Fundraising) (they/them)

A busy person who dances, sings, writes, and draws. I'm in charge of this and that. (? I'm in charge of promotion and sponsorship?)

* Yoodle (Design/Legal Advice) (they/them)

You guys. I don't think I can define myself with words that already exist, and I don't even want to define myself. I find it difficult when someone asks me about my identity, but when someone asks me what my journey with identity has been, I happily answer.